Sunday, January 23, 2005
In This Day and Age
Almost daily, I come across stories such as these and am left completely astounded. We're not talking about something going on in the jungles of Africa, out of sight and mind. We're talking about right hear in North America and as recently as 1994. To think that an organization could operate with the reported policies is quite hard to believe except for the fact that it has been so widely reported. We are talking about a cult, one that until quite recently openly encouraged sex with their children. I can't help but wonder where to authorities were when all this was going on. The results were all too predictable. One of the abused kids grows up, looses it, and takes revenge before killing himself. One might think that these recent developments might be enough to constitute probable cause for the federales to go in and do the in depth investigation that has apparently not been done to date.