Thursday, January 27, 2005
Meanwhile, the U.S. Economy Continues It's Slide
Sooner or later, someone's going to have to pay for all these fun and games. Perhaps we might approach that pillar of reason and sanity Ann Coulter. Nice to see that the women aren't being left behind in the race for lunacy that has been taking place in the U.S. for the last five years. Hell, all one needs to do is question the logic of the current plan to get an immediate reaction from types such as she. The reaction will include being called the enemy of the U.S., being unpatriotic, being called a terrorist supporter, etc. So much for democracy, so much for dissent, so much for freedom of speech, so much for the constitution, so much for the Bill of Rights, so much for every premise that the U.S. was founded on. Hell the U.S. of Ann Coulter's dreams, and all those who share her views, looks an awful lot like Nazi Germany. Oh, and Ann, as far as your warning that the U.S. will soon roll over and crush Canada....While that may in fact happen one day, you might want to study the history of the last time the U.S. tried to invade Canada, and also, I'm sure that if the U.S. does in fact come our way one day, Ann Coulter won't be among those who put their lives on the line. Oh no... She will comment on the great struggle from the comfort of the studio. Meanwhile, all those persons whose rights to express their views she is so quick to label will have to go out and do the fighting for her and her loud mouthed friends. And the U.S. debt just keeps going up and up, setting new records every year. Perhaps if they just keep beating the war drums loud enough nobody will notice.