Monday, January 31, 2005
The Mess That is Iraq
Perhaps some good can come out of all the dying going on in Iraq these days. I'm struck by the words of some of the people at the polls during the election. Many have risked death to vote, yet they come. IN a great many, you can see joy on their faces. I strongly disagree with Bush's reasons for going there, but I can't argue that this election had been over due for some time and George seems to be the only one who was going to make it happen, and has. What the terrorists don't seem to realize is the fact that they are playing right into the hands of people like George. The more innocent people all over the world begin to fear that they will end up getting killed by some nut, the more they become willing to accept the rule of people like George and the associated loss of privacy resulting from all the increased surveillance and security. The more people like George get elected, the less rights all of us will enjoy. Most people will gladly accept the government's increased presence in our personal lives if it means our kids won't get killed by an extremist. So in fact the terrorists are driving the trend towards a much more severe police state, globally. Meanwhile China grows stronger and will very likely start to protest the U.S. actions much more strongly, with the support of Russia who also feels very threatened by recent U.S. actions. The problem with George's campaign to free the Iraqi people is the fact that he started the whole thing with a pack of lies. Any relationship born of deceit is better lost than lived, so I say again, Goodbye George. I just hope that the American people will start to say the same thing.
Which still leaves us with the problem of what to do about situations like Iraq and elsewhere where the people are being enslaved, tortured, or their lives threatened by some extremist group who would have us all living in fear. We know what not to do, see history George W. Bush. The U.N. has shown over and over that it lacks the teeth and uniformity of cause to take fast appropriate action to save lives. This must change. The U.N must recognize certain elemental truths and have an Emergency Response Force that can move in very quickly and decisively in time when they are called upon. U.N. teams have had success in the past. They are much more likely to be accepted by a populace than American troops, especially if they had a large Muslim presence in said force. In situations where the U.N. forces have failed, it has been largely due to the fact that the members could not agree on the terms of their use, and as a result, many have died who might not have had the U.N. been more decisive. Hence the need for an agreement on fundamental truths, and the creation of a force who could respond without the need for lengthy debate in the General Assembly. Perhaps an Agency within the U.N. who could act within a given set of guidelines without direct instruction, and whose actions would be subject to review rather than a force having to wait for instructions on any given matter. Who knows? The one thing we can be sure of, we haven't found the right way yet.
Which still leaves us with the problem of what to do about situations like Iraq and elsewhere where the people are being enslaved, tortured, or their lives threatened by some extremist group who would have us all living in fear. We know what not to do, see history George W. Bush. The U.N. has shown over and over that it lacks the teeth and uniformity of cause to take fast appropriate action to save lives. This must change. The U.N must recognize certain elemental truths and have an Emergency Response Force that can move in very quickly and decisively in time when they are called upon. U.N. teams have had success in the past. They are much more likely to be accepted by a populace than American troops, especially if they had a large Muslim presence in said force. In situations where the U.N. forces have failed, it has been largely due to the fact that the members could not agree on the terms of their use, and as a result, many have died who might not have had the U.N. been more decisive. Hence the need for an agreement on fundamental truths, and the creation of a force who could respond without the need for lengthy debate in the General Assembly. Perhaps an Agency within the U.N. who could act within a given set of guidelines without direct instruction, and whose actions would be subject to review rather than a force having to wait for instructions on any given matter. Who knows? The one thing we can be sure of, we haven't found the right way yet.