Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Ooops, We Did It Again
Hawaii this time! At least it wasn't done on purpose like many other great eco-mistakes. In this instance it's Puerto Rican frogs that are wreaking havoc. This is another example how a change in economics to a focus on smaller macro-economies would greatly reduce the risk of this kind of thing. By producing most of our requirements locally, we omit the need for long-range transport and save the massive environmental cost that this kind of transport entails. Sooner or later as the cost of the damage to the Earth becomes more difficult to ignore and starts to become incorporated into the price of goods, buying locally will become much more attractive. People who ship things around the world will have a very difficult time competing with local producers. Will their still be global trade? Absolutely, it's an economy of scale thing. Some items and services are just a lot cheaper to produce on a massive scale. Hydro, Mining, Telecommunications,you get the idea. That also generates some answers about the Canadian Beef thing, we stouldn't be trying so hard to sell it internationally anyway. We're practically selling it as a raw resource as it is. We would be much better to focus on building the rendering plants hear. This would be much more preferable to selling the beef to someone else, having them process it, and then buying it back at an increased price.