Friday, January 07, 2005
There Surprised that Doctors in Guantanamo committing Crimes?
The mainstream is acting all surprised at the new reports that may be the doctors down in Guantanamo may not be our first choice for family physician. Hasn't this been totally obvious all along? The U.S. has hardly welcomed U.N inspectors there and has long held the position that the area is a special zone outside of regular U.S. laws. So long as places like this exist, or the School of the Americas, still in operation last I heard but under a different name, there really is no such thing as true civil rights in America. We can't chastise anyone else over their record on civil rights so long as we are party to acts which equal if not surpass the acts which we are criticizing. That's one little thing the C.I.A. and the American government need to learn.