Saturday, January 22, 2005
They're Trying to Kill Me
Well, not really but then again yes. I suppose I could relate our household's sudden onset of severe flu/cold symptoms to the fact that both my wife and kids come into contact with a great many people during the course of their days. It just sounds so much more interesting to say that we have been the victims of a conspiracy to poison us and make it appear as if it were just the cold. In any case, what a nasty one. My wife is one tough cookie and in 13 years I have rarely seen her slowed much by any illness. Not this time! She has been sicker than I've ever seen her. She has essentially been bed ridden for four days now. I can only say, I'm scared! I have now joined the ranks of the afflicted. My fear stems from the fact that if this thing has hit my wife so badly, it will likely kill me. While I have remained in bed for two days now, I can't get any sleep because the coughing won't let me. Suffice it to say that the flus and colds are getting worse, much worse. Despite taking massive doses of medication, nothing is really providing much relief to date. While I recognize the risk of global pandemic, I have no doubt that flus such as these will have much the same affect. There comes a point in time where further close association of great numbers of people becomes undesirable, if only to stop the spread of illness such as this one. I can only guess at the results of this type of illness on someone who is weak or already sick. Help me!!! I'm coughing and I can't get up!