Tuesday, February 15, 2005
American Military Not All Bad
With all my past writing about the smelly parts of the Iraqi campaign, it's only fair to take a moment to view the other side of the story. For one thing, my problem is with George and his cronies not the individual people in the services, most of whom exhibit the finest qualities in the U.S. today. Despite the almost impossible situation that these men and women have to live with everyday over there, they continue to work in an effort to make the lives better for many Iraqis. They do this by helping to build schools and digging wells, by providing medical aid, by rebuilding roads and clearing mines, in short, much more than try to fight the insurgents. Their are a hundred heroes in the U.S. military or more for every one guilty of crimes against prisoners or civilians. So to those guys in the field I can only say, I know that you are not responsible for the policies of your government. I know that many of you are only doing what you have been taught to believe is defending your country. I strongly support the men and women of both the American military and the Canadian forces and have the greatest respect for them. Like any good soldiers, you are following orders. It is the nature of those orders with which I take exception.