Monday, February 07, 2005
And Back To Iran
If the atmosphere between the Americans and the Iranians at the Saudi Conference is any indication, things are certainly not improving real quick. I think more than the concept of what makes a terrorist, which is the current difficulty, is the concept of what level of proof we are going to accept as a result of the recent falsehood along these lines by the American Administration. Simply put, I wouldn't believe a damn word that comes out of any of their mouths. Under Bush, the Americans have started down a very dangerous path, the results of which will not be known for many years to come. Under Bush, the Americans have committed more international crimes than at any other time that I know of. I can say these things because I live in Canada, if I had these views and lived in the U.S., half my neighbors might very well want to kill me. I can only say to this concept that perhaps one might save such thoughts for your real enemies. In a democracy people are free to differ on politics. This is a concept that George keeps saying is the guiding force behind Iraq and yet anyone who disagrees with his policies is not real welcome in the U.S. these days. Hell, liberals are being described by Ann Coulter as the enemy. Again, I say to you, this is not democracy. Just because I don't agree with a policy, doesn't mean I consider the people in the military as criminals, they are simply following the orders of their leaders in good faith. It is George and his pals that are pulling the great Houdini on the citizens of the U.S. He is using their fear and patriotism combined to crush all others voices of reason and very possibly leading the world to doom in the process. I wonder what would be the result of a general vote in Iraq over the presence of U.S. forces there. I suspect it might be overwhelmingly one-sided in the desire for the Americans to leave. This very fact in itself suggests that the American Plan in Iraq is a terrible failure. Simply put, the Americans are not viewed as any great liberators but rather as conquerors. This does not for a democratic country make!