Saturday, February 26, 2005
Beheadings in Syria
Have you ever considered looking at this crime from the reverse logic? Who has the most to gain from dissent in Lebanon over the presence of the Syrians. Who has been recently accusing Syria of being behind the executions in Iraq? Who would gain the most political distance from a general Middle Eastern anger at Syria? If your answers are the same as mine, then there is an altogether different suspect, American Black Ops. Now, I have heard no evidence at all to support or even suggest that this is the case. I am only saying, if I were an analyst looking at the incident without having any evidence, than the U.S. would be my first pick. Most dissidents don't set off remote control bombs choosing instead to use suicide bombers or random mine type devices. Remote control devices in the past have been used in Lebanon, 1975 or there about, comes to mind. It was the Americans who used that device killing many innocent civilians in front of a church. By the way, the bad guy they were trying to kill wasn't injured. Now I haven't heard what type of device this was, but I wonder. All of which brings us to the latest suicide bombing in Israel. Can we guess who they are now blaming for that one? You guessed it, Syria! What an incredible co-incidence, incredible being the operative phrase here! We haven't heard a whole lot out of Syria recently and suddenly we have not one but two bombings being blamed on them, and this just after the Americans name the Syrians as being behind the executions in Iraq. Hmmmmm. Do I smell yet another invasion in the wind? If I were a suspicious person I might come to the conclusion that the Yanks have decided to tackle the little Islam problem once and for all. It would appear that the strategy is to simply conquer half and intimidate the hell out of the other half meanwhile praying that God will continue to support his Christian Army, Boykin's words not mine, despite the growing list of crimes and abuses they are committing. Hopefully, the Russians, long allies of Syria, and/or other Islamic Nations will not take up the fight in earnest before the Bush cronies finish with their agenda. Did I mention China?