Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Canada's Long Lumber Dispute
So Canada has finally decided to return the favor of the U.S. levies placed against Canadian lumber. We've already won every court fight we've tried but the U.S. has steadfastly refused to follow the court orders. Hard to imagine this new ploy doing any more good than all the other attempts have. What it comes down to is that the Americans will do whatever they damn well please and they don't care how many international laws of trade or otherwise they break in the process. It's that old big bully attitude coming back to haunt us again. I would have to put it this way, just because your the biggest and toughest guy on the block, doesn't mean you have to act like it. In fact, I would respect the guy who doesn't act likes he's so tough much more. The non-tough acting guy would be much more prone to using his intelligence for conflict resolution, then saving the tough guy attributes for when he really needed them.