Friday, February 11, 2005
Iran Continues to Heat Up
The tension continues to build over Iran and it's Nuclear ambitions. I can't help but wonder whether George has any idea about the limits of America's capabilities. Exactly how many countries does he think he can invade and control at one time? My estimate, one less than the number created by the war on Iraq.. This doesn't appear to be slowing Bush down much as he threatens even more countries. Iran, Syria and North Korea are the current favorites. What are the odds that the U.S. will attack Syria or Iran or both? Unknown, but I suspect that the odds are directly proportional to the value of the oil and other resources that the country has and that can be liberated from the evil terror states. It's my favorite term again... U.S. National Interests. The use of which precedes every new American blunder. It may very well prove that in a few years this term will be held with the same reverence as another favorite term... Final Solution. No it can't be you say. One might be interested in books like "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by Shirer. You might find that what is going on in the U.S. today is a whole like what was going on in Germany prior to full conflict breaking out. Hell, one is scorned in the U.S. for even suggesting that perhaps the Iraqi campaign may be misguided. You will be labeled as an enemy of the state and unpatriotic. American liberals must be very wary, in a couple of years you may have the Gestapo, I mean Homeland Security, at your door with a boarding pass for the next train to oblivion.