Saturday, February 12, 2005
Iraqi Election Not Good for the U.S.?
According to at least one report the election did not turn out as the Americans had hoped. The party favored to win opposes the U.S. presence. The point being that the election is a good way of showing the opinions of the Iraqis to the American occupation. There are so many ways that the Iraqi thing could have gone so much better. I have been opposed to this action from the very beginning.. Simply put, no nation should be able to occupy another simply for economic reasons. The Iraqi were not, and are not, any kind of threat to the U.S. The U.N. may not have chosen for many years, if ever, to take any military action against Iraq. They may have chosen instead to continue with sanctions which by all reports were working despite some of the dirty aspects of it, especially by the U.S. One of the great problem with the current world situation is the fact that there is not a clear right and wrong side to the Western verses Islam debate. Islamic nations seem very united about one thing, they don't want to have to kowtow to the U.S. Western nations are no where near as united on anything. The actions of the U.S. have made this problem worse not better. An awful lot of people in the world have died in the last 50 years because of U.S. economic interests and the Americans belief that this is an acceptable way of becoming, and remaining, the worlds economic and military leader. This is not the way Kwai Chang! We must follow a more subtle path to enlightenment. Hey George, you might want to learn a lesson from Ontario's Dalton Mcguinty, your lies will catch up to you. Your actions may very well be judged by history as criminal and monstrous