Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Jean Chretien Still up for the Fight
I can't say I'm really surprised that Jean has not laid down yet. It's one of the reasons I liked him. He was always ready to stand up for himself and his country. He even defied the almighty George over Iraq. What the Adscam thing comes down to is this, the liberals at the time were facing a very tight vote in Quebec over separation. They had to do something dramatic and do it fast. Normal procedure would not have met these purposes so they decided to slide the money through the back door to the tune of 2 Billion dollars. Whether their decision met the rules of the time or not it worked. Canada has remained together because a huge media campaign was launched in Quebec in order to essentially say to the Quebecois that the rest of the country wanted them to stay and that there really would be no Canada without them. I think on this one, we might just want to overlook a few transgressions.