Saturday, February 05, 2005
The Little Problem of Humans
Once again I read about a pair of real prize human specimens. In this case it's a husband and wife team who seem to enjoy horribly torturing children. Reading the story is like reading about the Hanoi Hilton of past infamy. I can understand how people can be driven to commit some of the horrors we read about in war zones and such but I just can't get my mind around how people in North America could bring themselves to do this shit to kids. Not just in North America for that matter. Wars and starvation can seriously dement the mind of man, but how can someone justify hurting kids under any circumstances. It's almost enough to make one believe in capital punishment. However the U.S. is a world leader in state sponsored child executions so I suppose it shouldn't come as any great surprise that some citizens might take the matters into their own hands and enjoy themselves a little along the way, but this problem is most certainly not an American one, it's much more universal than that. Humans all over the world enjoy the sport of hurting, torturing, sexually abusing, and killing people, especially kids. What the hell is it about humans and life that makes people do things like this? More important yet is the question of whether with all the skills at their disposal, the authorities are going to be able to help heal these kids one bit of all the suffering that they have endured, and are these kids ever going to be able to trust another human being again?