Monday, February 07, 2005
Religion in the Schools
To further the pursuit of the proper Christian mentality be taught in the schools, some states are currently re-examining their policies on the teaching of the Genesis rendition of the history of the world. In other words parents are complaining that their kids are being taught evolution and not Genesis. Personally, I think that Genesis has no place in the studies of anthropology of any other science simply because their is very little in the way of proof of said theories where there is a great deal of proof of evolution. Teachers and scientist should be restricted to the teaching of theories that are supported by firm evidence. We can teach the other theories if we want but said teaching needs to be put into the proper perspective and identified as a religious belief and not something supported by scientific evidence. The teaching of anything other than accepted fact should be grouped as fiction, and frankly American history books contain all the fiction that any student actually needs, much more so in fact.