Monday, February 07, 2005
Religious Fanatic Heads American Military Intelligence
The man famed for his comments on the special status under God of the American military is back in a major way. Oh where to start with this one. The problem goes back to the C.I.A. in the days following the 9/11 attack There were many in the Agency that would not go along with George's assessment of the situation. In short, they outright stated that the conclusions that Bush's team came up with were flawed and without merit. The result was for some major changes to take affect. The first such was to rid the C.I.A. of these dissenting voices. Many have resigned or quit since. Another step was to create a new military intelligence without the restrictions formerly placed on the military. In other words, the military now conducts intelligence ops within the U.S. My understanding is that this is a violation of the American constitution. Now for the really good part, the new head of this intelligence unit is non other than Lt.Gen. William Boykin. Boykin gained fame for his inspirational comments on the role of the U.S. military. Islamic insurgents were labeled "agents of Satan" and the U.S. Army called the "House of God". Call me crazy, but the one place on Earth that seems to be getting more difficult to find God is the U.S. military. Another phrase he is credited for is the comment " my God is bigger than your God, which is an idol". Can the situation in the U.S. really get any scarier than this? Military Intelligence being led by someone who is either completely crazy or just seriously deranged, all with the blessings of mighty George. I can't help but wonder if he met up with Ann Coulter in closed doors sessions to hammer out their strategy for further confusing the ignorant masses. After all, Ann has been quoted for saying such things as we need to attack all our enemies, kill their leaders and turn them into Christians. Damn scary stuff in my books, primarily due to the fact that these types of statements are being so well received by a nation who continue to state that Noah took the dinosaurs on the Ark about six thousand years ago. The way George, and the rest of the country with him, is headed, in fifty years we will be looking back on these days and calling George one of the world's great war criminals on a par with Hitler. So much for democracy, so much for freedom, so much for freedom to practice one's faith in a manner which we see fit. These days, in the U.S., you are either a Christian religious fanatic, or you are the enemy. My question, how is this any different than the Islamic fanatics who are actually killing a whole lot less people than those crazy Americans?