Thursday, February 03, 2005
Today's Climate Reports
The news coverage of the climate damage seems to be increasing by the day. Regardless of whether we believe humans are responsible for the damage, we can't ignore the fact that somethings sure as hell going on and we better figure out what to do about it mighty damn fast. Everything from the Antarctic Ice to Arctic Ozone to Britain's new colder climate to the devastation to come in Africa. It's getting just a wee bit difficult to ignore and will become much, much more so. Hang on folks, looks like we're in for a ride! Anybody want to wager on when the damage will cross that magic threshold level when the domino affect takes over and the changes start to compound and the damage starts to go up exponentially? I know most of the predictions are saying fifty to one-hundred years, I somehow suspect by the rate of current change being documented, that the real date is going to be something like twenty before it becomes a very serious inconvenience to all but the richest of us.