Saturday, February 26, 2005
You See, We Don't Trust You George
So, it looks like the Yanks just about have this missile defense thing working. Five out of six recent test shots successful. Watching the news, the whole thing doesn't appear all that dangerous. They look like short range missiles. If in fact they are, then the offensive capabilities of the system is minimal and Canada shouldn't be so worried about their use. The problem is, we don't trust Bush or any of his staff. His entire Presidency has been filled with lies, mis-information, and the suspension of civil rights, not to mention the many thousands of dead Iraqis who were attacked for all the wrong stated reasons. Now that we've said no, we may have to wait for some future President who we have a little more faith in, the Americans are essentially sounding the dire warnings as to how this means we have surrendered our sovereignty. Ummm, I thought we said no to missile defense, in most part because we didn't want to hand the power over to Bush, preserving our sovereignty. The American response, we are going to do it anyway with no regard for your airspace. The violation of another's airspace used to be considered an act of war. Perhaps the Bush clan might stop and think about the concept of how Canada might react to this violation, especially at a time when they are being attacked with missile by another nation. Bush, your running out of friends, and the friends you do have might be better served by not being threatened by you and yours. Hopefully the people of America will recognize some of these facts before they have no friends left at all. What kind of nation is it where the only friends they have are ones who fear them, very much increasing the risk of betrayal by said friends. And this from the great defenders of democracy, hah!