Thursday, March 17, 2005

Anthrax Again?

Just when Anthrax was passing out of the public minds we have yet another Anthrax scare. But wait a minute, the anthrax found at the Pentagon wasn't anthrax after all. It turns out that a lab made a mistake. The problem is, people will become just as paranoid now as they would have had it really been found. Thankfully, the threat of bio-terrorism will now be fresh in the public's mind, just in time to keep the old steam going for George's global plan. Remarkable coincidence you say, I can't help but wonder knowing George's record as we do.

Isn't it also interesting that no one has been arrested in the original attacks that killed five people. I wonder if they are really even looking for who did these attacks. Maybe they already know....

By Blogger Amerikan Propagandist, at 6:49 p.m.  

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