Friday, March 18, 2005

Now They are Going to Target Seals

They are planning the biggest seal hunt in history. The reason given for this large hunt is an attempt to restore fish stocks that the government now says is being depleted by the seals. Is it not obvious to anyone else that anytime we plan one of these large culls for any reason other than disease, it at the very least represents a massive failure in our stewardship of said resource? Would it not be much wiser to increase the permits to hunt the seals slowly over time in order to study the affect it is having. The seals have existed for eons in balance with their environment without the help of humans, so why is it that they need our help now? Perhaps the depleted fish stocks have a lot more to do with us than it has to do with them. I don't make this opinion based on any bleeding heart style emotions. It is simply a matter of stewardship. I recognize that all life survives at the cost of other life. I don't see any difference between eating a hamburger and eating a seal so long as both are taken in a manner which is as painless, and as least traumatic to the animal, as is possible. So what the government is doing by announcing this massive hunt is to admit that they have completely blown the job so far and are now going to try some desperate action which they have absolutely no way of knowing what the result will be.

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