Sunday, March 06, 2005

Women of Islam under Attack on Every Front

It's not enough that many women under Islam suffer civil rights abuses unlike any others. In their home countries many have to live with discrimination, abuse, and honour killings. One woman in Belgium has had to quit her job in fear of the threats she has been receiving because she wears a head scarf. Another woman in Pakistan lives in fear for her life after having suffered a gang rape in punishment for another rape reported to have been committed by her brother, later proven to be innocent. Many of the men responsible are now being released, hence her fear. Note the fact that one of these cases is taking place in Belgium. One might think that in today's world we wouldn't have to worry about this kind of ignorance and crime, yet it exists even among the most free thinking and liberal nations. One might think that in these days of technological advances that we would be free of this kind of thing, not hardly. The current state of the globe leads me to believe that as a species we have not evolved very much, if at all. All the signs point to the worse conditions on the planet since humans started to be such a major factor in life on this planet. Not exactly what I would call evolved. Religious intolerance is growing everyday. So much so in fact that we are not all that far from the Inquisition or the Crusades. In France they are making laws against religious clothing. The U.S. is the great custodian of God's Christian Army, Boykin's words. I won't even touch on the Middle East as the troubles there require books not sentences to even begin the discussion. A quick review, Taiwan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, The Congo, Afghanistan, should I keep going, The U.S., Chechnya, China, Nepal, hell I might just as well list the entire planet as a haven for civil rights abuses and crimes against humanity. Humane, now there's a funny term for you. We are educated to believe that as a species we possess this quality unlike any other species. Yet to me, we are more cruel and murderous than almost anything in nature. There are notable exceptions to this among us, the Mother Theresa's of the world come to mind. The problem is, even those who might be capable of a more enlightened view listen to the same news as dictated by George Bush and as such become tainted by these views. So much for evolution!

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