Thursday, April 28, 2005
Harper Makes The Call
So he's gone ahead and done it. Called for a non-confidence vote that is. He's a wee bit premature. I have to have a little sympathy for Paul Martin. Essentially he's inherited a political nightmare and being held guilty by association. It's not the time for another federal election which effectively adds that cost to the total cost of the entire Adscam thing. The best path is to wait out the inquiry before calling an election. Once Canadians have all the evidence then we can make an informed vote and let the results speak for themselves. The way things are going, we will never know whether Paul Martin would have ever made a good Prime Minister. It's simply impossible for him to lead under the current conditions and he may not last long enough for us to learn the truth in the matter and to decide on his level of involvement. One way or another, the Liberals have been in power for too many of the last thirty years. It is this fact which has led to all the backroom deals, and the resulting scandals. We need to shake the tree once in a while to see what falls out. The Conservatives are now ideally situated to be the next government of Canada. The question now becomes whether or not Steve Harper is going to blow this one for the Conservatives. Judging from his haste to call an election it looks likely that he will indeed blow the best political chance in Canadian history.