Thursday, April 07, 2005
Jackson Takes Another Hit.
I sure hope that these people testifying against Mike are telling the truth. The latest round has definately gone against him. Now a gaurd is saying he was an eye witness to an assault that Mike did back in the nineties. This is also another witness who seems to have a little something in his past. In this case. he is a disgruntled former employee who has lost a wrongful dismissal suit against Mike. Many of the key witnessess have something very disturbing in the past and many have had direct disputes with Jackson. One of the accusers has lost a case against another celebrity who they were found to have falsely accused. It's clear that Jackson has to be one of the biggest dopes on the planet to have not seen this coming. What is not quite so clear is whether any of these crudes who are testifying against him have any credibility whatsoever. One thing is for certain, Mike certainly has given a great many people the opportunity to destroy him. Hey Mike, ever wonder why most doctors have a nurse present when examining women or children. In the case of children, they usually have the parents present also. They do this to protect themselves from false allegations. It also can make the patient more comfortable knowing that their is someone else in the room. Not only have you failed to protect yourself from this type of attack, you in fact have invited it openly as a result of your actions and statements. You have become such an easy target in fact that now we will never really know the truth about your innocence. That won't stop you from being convictted as the line of people testifying grows and grows. Even if many of them are discreditted, there are just too many of them for the jury not to be persuaded.