Sunday, April 24, 2005
Of Course, They're Not Responsible
Well. all the big players in Iraq have been cleared of any wrongdoing. The systemic use of torture by U.S. military personnel was all a matter of individual initiative as opposed to a matter of policy that was authorized from the very top. The fact that these abuses have taken place on such a wide scale has obviously been ignored. The very fact of the scale should be enough to realize that these actions have at the very least been tolerated if not outright approved of, as the lower ranks have been saying. Apparently, I'm not the only one to come to this conclusion. Others are now demanding an inquiry into these allegations and an explanation as to how multiple investigations have resulted in no responsibility being assessed to senior staff. Whatever happened to the concept that in the military, responsibility comes from the top and flows down. That has all changes as we now hear over and over about lower ranks being charged while senior staff are cleared of wrongdoing. My definition of military responsibility is considerably different than this.