Saturday, April 16, 2005
Somali Cabbie's Death
Ten years ago while waiting for the birth of my sister's baby, my elder sister , wife, and I decided to have something to eat. We walked to a Chinese Food place near the hospital and followed dinner with drinks. We decided a cab was a better idea than walking back. What followed was without the slightest doubt the most enjoyable time I've ever had in a cab. The driver was a Somali, in Ottawa. He couldn't speak the best English but it was enough. The man was pleasant, intelligent, incredibly funny, in short, an absolute delight of a human being. I've remebered that trip, and that cab driver with fondness ever since. What was already a very nice time I was having with my out of town sister became that much more so because of this man whose name I've always remembered. The name that I read the other day in the papers. The name of the dead cab driver in Edmonton. Now I not absolutely certain that this is the same man. The first and the last name are the same, but I never knew his middle. In any case I doubt that this really matters. They have now arrested four people in the killing. So far, they seem to be treating it as a robbery. I somehow hope this proves true and that this was not a case of racism. I hope that I am wrong about the name and that this is not that cab driver from so long ago, but I saw his picture and it sure looks like him. If it is than these abominations of nature disguised as human beings who killed this man have done much more than robbed and killed someone. They have stolen the father and husband of the family in Ottawa. They have robbed every person who may have had the pleasure of a trip in the cab of this man. We have been blessed with many treasures in Canada. This man who came to Canada as an immigrant not so long ago, was most certainly one of them. The people who did this should not experience one moment of freedom for the rest of their lives. This would not even begin to pay for the lost the rest of us have suffered as a result of their actions, but we owe them at least that much!