Friday, April 29, 2005
U.S. Starting to Accept Responsibility for the Past?
By now pretty much everyone should be aware of the actions of the U.S. regarding South America in the past. Essentially I'm referring to the policy of supporting any regime, no matter how dirty, so long as they weren't communist. To further those ends, the U.S. supplied many resources. Of particular interest would be projects like the School of the America's, now re-named but still teaching. Many of the best torturers and sadists in history gained all their best knowledge there. Finally, it looks like the American administration has come to the conclusion that they can no longer plead total ignorance of all of the above and is starting to make... well not exactly an apology. More like a fleeting reference to the fact that they may have made some mistakes. The first mistake they made was the policy of telling anything but the truth to their own people. This policy in large part continues to this day. The only time we actually get anything like the truth is when they are backed into a corner so completely that they can not possibly deny it. See History of the Iraqi Search for Weapons of Mass Destruction.