Thursday, May 26, 2005
American Hypocrisy
Looks like more and more international media outlets as well as human rights groups and think tanks are starting to recognize the difficulties that arise out of the U.S. administrations support of some of the worst regimes on Earth. All a given country needs do is publicly declare their support for George's War on Terror and the military supplies will start pouring in. Hell, it doesn't matter if your eating your own citizens for dinner as long as you play along. Of course I recognize the old argument that the world is a complex and dangerous place and that means you sometimes have to do things you don't like but come on! From South America to Asia to the Middle East we are witnessing the decline of democracy, not to mention civilization as a whole, as a result of American intervention. It's the old road to hell with good intentions thing. If the American people want their god intentions to mean anything other than absolute chaos and suffering for the recipients, than they must demand and receive honesty and ethics from their government. It has come time for some pretty major changes in the world. America can lead the way with a little tweaking of the system. It can also continue with business as usual in which case it will be leading the way to hell for the whole planet.