Sunday, May 15, 2005
Canada, Harper, The Liberals, The Future
Harper has gone ahead and pushed for a non-confidence vote. Martin's Liberal Minority Government is expected to fail. This despite every poll showing that Canadians don't want another election right now. Perhaps it's time Canadian leaders start paying a little attention to the people. To make matters worse, Quebec is showing a huge resurgence of the Seperatist movement as a result of all the bad news coming out of Ottawa. Was it only a couple of years ago when polls in Quebec were showing that the people there were fed up of the whole separation thing and weren't expected to support separatism for many years? How could we have fallen so far in so little time.
I suppose it might be fitting to begin with the Liberals. Whose fault is it that the party has become so tainted and mired in scandal? Mostly it is the fault of the other parties. We have only had one alternative to a Liberal government in the recent past. That was Brian Bolongna. Some choice! If the Conservatives want to rule, and I daresay that these days so do a lot of other people want them to, then they must present us with some choice. We haven't seen a real good candidate out of the conservatives since Stanfield, the greatest Canadian Prime Minister that never was. Surely somewhere in this country we could find someone a little more on the ball than what we are being offered. Harper, the very thought scares the hell out of me. He is so filled with glee over his political opportunity that he is most likely to blow it. He certainly has shown a complete lack of regard for the will of the people. The result of all the hoopla is likely to be another minority government anyway. So how did we get here?
Anytime a political party holds power for so many of the last thirty years, we can guarantee one thing, that they are going to poisoned to a very fundamental level. History has shown over and over that in politics, you need change every once in a while. The very risk of it is usually enough to ensure the integrity of most people. New governments mean new auditors and the chance that wrongdoings are going to be discovered. You need to clean house every so often in order to keep everyone honest. In Canada we have forgotten this Golden Rule of life. We should never have any Prime Ministers for life, or governments for life for that matter. Because of the lack of anyone else we have allowed the Liberals too much power and for too long. Human nature has done the rest. Hell, I'd run myself if I thought it would do any good. The way I see it, the Canadian government has enough loud-mouthed jerks who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.
So here we are. Quebec once again on the separation path, but this time with a level of support in Quebec never before seen. I can only say to those in Quebec that you can't run away from this problem simply because we can't run away from ourselves. Canada is Quebec, and Quebec is Canada. Ontario and Quebec together started this country. Trying to remove the French traditions and history from the rest of Canada is simply impossible. All that will be gained is to make our political situation more complicated. All Canadians are fed up with the liberals, but not only them. We are pretty much fed up with anyone who would lead the country when those people show over and over that they are working mostly for themselves and have very little concern for the good of Canada or the will of it's people.
Finally, the most blame lies with the Canadian people. We let this happen! So long as the government hasn't invaded too closely into out personal lives, many of us have been content not to bother with the whole matter. The election turnout records clearly show this. Very few of us have gotten involved or even bothered to vote. Now the fools who have essentially been running this country by default may very well have destroyed it for good. We have only ourselves to blame. Hey Gilles Duceppe, ever thought of starting a new Canadian national party?. Polls have shown that you are the man most people in Canada would vote for given the chance, you have maintained your integrity when no-one else has. Most importantly, you have demonstrated that you have concern for your moral obligations to those you represent. Perhaps a new time-out corner for Parliament Hill might do a world of good. Whenever these guys start screaming and yelling at each other, live for home audience, we could simply send the lot of them for time-out until they have returned to a more adult and responsible way of conduct
Hey. I've got it! We build one big mother of a wall all around Parliament Hill and the rest of Canada can separate from it!
I suppose it might be fitting to begin with the Liberals. Whose fault is it that the party has become so tainted and mired in scandal? Mostly it is the fault of the other parties. We have only had one alternative to a Liberal government in the recent past. That was Brian Bolongna. Some choice! If the Conservatives want to rule, and I daresay that these days so do a lot of other people want them to, then they must present us with some choice. We haven't seen a real good candidate out of the conservatives since Stanfield, the greatest Canadian Prime Minister that never was. Surely somewhere in this country we could find someone a little more on the ball than what we are being offered. Harper, the very thought scares the hell out of me. He is so filled with glee over his political opportunity that he is most likely to blow it. He certainly has shown a complete lack of regard for the will of the people. The result of all the hoopla is likely to be another minority government anyway. So how did we get here?
Anytime a political party holds power for so many of the last thirty years, we can guarantee one thing, that they are going to poisoned to a very fundamental level. History has shown over and over that in politics, you need change every once in a while. The very risk of it is usually enough to ensure the integrity of most people. New governments mean new auditors and the chance that wrongdoings are going to be discovered. You need to clean house every so often in order to keep everyone honest. In Canada we have forgotten this Golden Rule of life. We should never have any Prime Ministers for life, or governments for life for that matter. Because of the lack of anyone else we have allowed the Liberals too much power and for too long. Human nature has done the rest. Hell, I'd run myself if I thought it would do any good. The way I see it, the Canadian government has enough loud-mouthed jerks who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.
So here we are. Quebec once again on the separation path, but this time with a level of support in Quebec never before seen. I can only say to those in Quebec that you can't run away from this problem simply because we can't run away from ourselves. Canada is Quebec, and Quebec is Canada. Ontario and Quebec together started this country. Trying to remove the French traditions and history from the rest of Canada is simply impossible. All that will be gained is to make our political situation more complicated. All Canadians are fed up with the liberals, but not only them. We are pretty much fed up with anyone who would lead the country when those people show over and over that they are working mostly for themselves and have very little concern for the good of Canada or the will of it's people.
Finally, the most blame lies with the Canadian people. We let this happen! So long as the government hasn't invaded too closely into out personal lives, many of us have been content not to bother with the whole matter. The election turnout records clearly show this. Very few of us have gotten involved or even bothered to vote. Now the fools who have essentially been running this country by default may very well have destroyed it for good. We have only ourselves to blame. Hey Gilles Duceppe, ever thought of starting a new Canadian national party?. Polls have shown that you are the man most people in Canada would vote for given the chance, you have maintained your integrity when no-one else has. Most importantly, you have demonstrated that you have concern for your moral obligations to those you represent. Perhaps a new time-out corner for Parliament Hill might do a world of good. Whenever these guys start screaming and yelling at each other, live for home audience, we could simply send the lot of them for time-out until they have returned to a more adult and responsible way of conduct
Hey. I've got it! We build one big mother of a wall all around Parliament Hill and the rest of Canada can separate from it!