Thursday, May 26, 2005
Canadian P.M.
I kind of feel sorry for Paul Martin. Looks like most everybody else in Canada does too. Let's remember that he walked out of Chretien's cabinet. Perhaps he didn't like what he was learning about. Maybe he didn't want to have anything to do with what he thought was unethical. I might just think that the reason he isn't standing on the podium and telling all he knows about his past friends and co-workers is that he just might have a little bit of class and want to get on with doing the best job he can. The man's taken an awful beating for the simple fact that he's a Liberal and is suffering along with he rest of them for the latest scandal. I can't blame him for not taking strong stands on anything because he doesn't have the votes and if he did he would likely be out of office. Hard to say really. So why would someone want a job where you get to go into a big hall everyday and listen to a bunch of adolescents yell and scream whenever you tried to say anything, much less think? We always read about the low turnout at the polls and how this means that Canadians don't care. Perhaps it's more a matter of the belief that the vote won't matter because we'll still end up with the same bunch of liars and we're never given anyone else to vote for. In that same breath we have to admit that when given the option of putting someone in power with a bit of honesty and integrity we don't elect them, Stanfield comes to mind. We opt for the media glitz instead. We could sure use a Robert Stanfield now. I somehow doubt that Martin will ever get the chance to show us what he could really do. Whether that's a shame or not we'll never know!