Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Self Building Robots, There's a Great Idea
Too what end? That's the question I ask myself the most with this one. What possible reason did they have for doing this? I think we have to all realize that their will come a point where computers actually surpass us in intelligence. That's simply because they are not limited by human nature. We are very quickly approaching that point. They have long been able to outpace us when it come to basic algorithms. Their ability to reason has been the subject of a great deal of research. Now they want to go and make them self-replicating. I am the first one to support scientific research for it's own ends, but some research seems so full of risks as to be unacceptable at this time. This is one of them. We don't have an extra planet right now where we could do this research safely without too much risk of it getting out of control. It seems a simple matter to build into any system the need for a human at some stage of it's production to complete it. To remove humans completely from the equation seems completely irresponsible based on our current level of awareness.