Saturday, May 21, 2005
A Strange Environment
Reports out of Russia that an entire lake has vanished overnight. I can't say whether this has ever happened before, but if it has, I've never heard of it.
While we are talking about the planet, recent reports are saying that pretty much our entire eco-system is in serious decline. They are saying that there is still hope if we act now! My question is hope for who? Certainly not for the thousands of species already lost and the many more to come before we get a handle on it, if ever. We may be able to survive the years to come but one thing is absolutely certain, the Earth will never, ever, be the same.
While we are talking about the planet, recent reports are saying that pretty much our entire eco-system is in serious decline. They are saying that there is still hope if we act now! My question is hope for who? Certainly not for the thousands of species already lost and the many more to come before we get a handle on it, if ever. We may be able to survive the years to come but one thing is absolutely certain, the Earth will never, ever, be the same.