Monday, May 16, 2005
To The Desecration of The Koran, Again
Saudis upset, Afghanis demanding an apology, can we guess what the American reaction has been. Deny, deny, deny! What were you expecting, perhaps taking responsibility for our actions like adults, yeah right. One thing Canadians and Americans share alike is the total lack of responsibility of our politicians. Suffice it to say that we can never expect them to fess up and take responsibility. The actual response has been all too predictable. Newsweek has retracted it's story, it was all a big misunderstanding. Can you say someone's pressuring someone? Meanwhile , Muslims have reacted to the retraction much as I have, and that is to say, the retraction is bullshit and all too expected. Come on politicians, why don't you guys surprise the hell out of all of us by taking responsibility and tell it like it is.