Friday, June 24, 2005
And Talking About Heated Conflicts
The debate over Global Warming rages on. Meanwhile the planet continues to mount it's own defenses against what can only be described as the human infestation which has resulted in the current state of affairs. Certainly we humans, having identified some species which is having the same destructive affect as we are, would mount an all out offensive to eradicate that species. Nature has it's own little ways of doing that. Everything from floods in China and Alberta at record high levels to heat waves in Asia, tornadoes in Ontario, flooding in Manitoba, B.C., and Nova Scotia, the list goes on and on. Any basic chemist knows that very small changes can dramatically affect the resulting formula, yet somehow there are those among us who think that the massive changes we have made to the chemistry of our air and planet as a whole will not have an affect.. To me, such thinking is infantile. The truth is all too obvious, the problem is us.
I once went to a doctor an asked him about recurring migraines I was having. He asked me several questions essentially... Do you smoke? How much? Do you drink? How Much, Do you drink coffee? How much? I answered all his questions honestly. His response... Quit Smoking, drinking, and drinking coffee. If you still have the headaches after two weeks come back and see me! A better doctor I have never met! Seems to me we are in the same situation now. We can go to the experts all day and argue why we are having the problems we are having and whether or not it is us and what might be other problems. But as my doctor said all those years ago, stop polluting our air, food and water, if after 100 years we are still having the same problem, come back and see me! Oh , and did I mention that human male fertility continues to decline.
I once went to a doctor an asked him about recurring migraines I was having. He asked me several questions essentially... Do you smoke? How much? Do you drink? How Much, Do you drink coffee? How much? I answered all his questions honestly. His response... Quit Smoking, drinking, and drinking coffee. If you still have the headaches after two weeks come back and see me! A better doctor I have never met! Seems to me we are in the same situation now. We can go to the experts all day and argue why we are having the problems we are having and whether or not it is us and what might be other problems. But as my doctor said all those years ago, stop polluting our air, food and water, if after 100 years we are still having the same problem, come back and see me! Oh , and did I mention that human male fertility continues to decline.