Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Bush Stands Alone in his Refusal to Accept Global Warming
Even the scientists aren't all on board on this one. In fact, some have referred to it as "junk science."
When and if those who believe it is real can prove that it isn't just part of a natural cycle, then and only then should we expect Bush and other skeptics to accept and address the issue.
I doubt it can be proven to be more than a wild-eyed theory that the extremists in the environmental/earth worship movement jumped on as their next attempt to earn some credibility. Good luck with that.
By the Observer, at 7:07 p.m.
While it is well known that the Earth does indeed go through natural patterns of warming and cooling, and that these changes can cause mass extinctions, it is also known that they take many thousands of years to occur. What we are seeing now is a rate of change never before seen on Earth to my kmowledge. The holdouts that I have read about do not argue that the Earth is warming and at a never before seen rate. What they are arguing is whether humans are responsible for the current rate of change. The real problem with waiting for science to be able to irrefutably proove that the warming was in fact caused by us is the fact that it's ikely that very few will be around to enjoy the new knowledge.