Friday, July 01, 2005
Bob Hunter Takes Last Voyage
To describe this man as a Canadian Hero would be a colossal understatement. He was so much more than that. Co-founder of Greenpeace might be his greatest achievement, but probably not. The work that he did through Greenpeace dwarfs the accomplishment of it's foundation. He was in fact a world hero. I would have to consider one of his greatest accomplishments was the relationship he enjoyed with his wife and family, definitely a tough one for someone who traveled as much as he did, yet he remained devoted to them. The list of his successes would be a long one indeed, far too many, and well known, to list here. Suffice it to say that we could all learn from his example. One might assume that he was very pessimistic due to his never-ending battle for justice and the environment. That was not the case. He remained positive and optimistic about the future and our planet. Truly one of history's greats. Every person on Earth has benefited from his efforts, we all owe him a great deal of thanks, not to mention the impact that his wife had in his life. Bobbi Hunter stood by him when many would not have. I'm sure that he would have pursued his passions regardless, but I'm also certain that the challenges he faced were made much more bearable by her support and love. We'll miss you Bob, the environment will miss you even more.