Sunday, July 31, 2005
Pot Party Leader to Face Extradition
The article doesn't really go into the real issues of this one very deeply. So here goes. The U.S. doesn't like this guy that much is certain. He's a little too vocal in his quest for the legalization of pot. The last thing that they really want down there in the "land of the free" is actually freedom of speech. While the lynchings have kind of gone out of fashion, the current attempts at shutting anyone who doesn't tow the party lines mouth are almost as bad complete with the name like traitor having been recently popular. Part of the charges against these guys have to due with the selling of pot seeds over the internet. If in fact they were doing this, I would have to think that they were being particularly foolish indeed. Knowing full well that the Yanks would like nothing more than to have the chance to slap a few federal offences on him, why would an intelligent activist go so far to flaunt the laws of another nation, and laws that have teeth at that. Work for change if you like, but it's not wise to taunt the draconian American Drug enforcement regulations. In them there parts, they put people in jail for an awful long time for relatively small amounts of drug possession. The Pot Party must certainly have known that. Perhaps they might try to fight the extradition on the grounds that to allow it would be a violation of their rights to a fair trial and sentencing appropriate to the crimes they have committed based on the current American laws. I understand these guys fight for logic and ethics within the Canadian legal system when it comes to the subject of pot. At least a case could be made for discrimination. In a court of law it can easily be proved that the effects from pot, while different, pose a much less danger to the body and society than either cigarettes or alcohol. Therefore to make this substance illegal can only be viewed as ignorant and discriminatory. All the rhetoric about organized crime associations have been far overblown, and the ones that do exist are in fact a direct result of the ignorant laws that have been applied thusfar