Sunday, August 14, 2005
Ann Coulter, What A Gal
I just read an article in Time's Jan. 17, 2005 issue. The article deals with happiness, what creates it, what prevents it, etc. I couldn't help but notice the response of Ann Coulter to the question " What makes you happy?". Her response was " Liberals crying, weeping and threatening to move to Canada". I can't say I've ever had much use for this woman. Suffice it to say that I have slightly less respect for her than I do for Fox network or CNN, that is to say none whatsoever. This quote goes along way in explaining that view. I would think that most people would not take great pleasure in the suffering of others, even ones they don't agree with. Now I will admit that I have taken satisfaction over the suffering of those who have done me grievous harm. This is hardly something that I am proud of and I recognize that this satisfaction is the mark of pettiness and ignorance within myself, something that needs working on. I have rarely heard someone outright admit that if another so much as disagrees with them, they wish them to suffer and weep. Such is Ann Coulter! A very dangerous trait in such a public figure. All the more dangerous because she seems to take such great glee in the suffering of others. I may not agree with someone, that doesn't mean I want to see them crushed under a boot. Apparently, Ann does just that. Hopefully, not many public figures share in her pettiness and outright hate mongering. Maybe Ann is the reincarnation of some upper-level Nazi policy maker. Such is the America of today. Public figures and leaders who display ignorance and intolerance at a dark ages level and a general disregard for any opposing arguments if not outright malicious intentions. As a Canadian, I would more than welcome American Liberals to Canada, the problem being that this would leave precious little real intelligence in the U.S. Now I ask you, who is worse, Islamic terrorists who through suffering and hardship and abuse have learned only hate or the Ann Coulters of the world who are educated, public figures and yet sow more hatred in one day than all the terrorists combined due to her large audience. I have heard very little from this woman, only that which is presented in other news services. This has been more than enough. Therein lies the reason that I never, ever go to an American news service for accurate reporting on world events. In fact, I will go virtually anywhere else for news, but not the U.S. There are the rare exceptions in this American political climate, those who dare to protest and argue against the current self-destructive and globally destructive path the U.S. is taking. Many of them are liberals, but not all. The problem with the Ann Coulters of the world is the fact that the only solutions she will entertain have to do with weaponry as opposed to dialogue and education. Real scary lady!