Saturday, August 13, 2005
Come On, He Only Killed Two People, One A Cop
After having killed one cop and one cab driver he got life. Canadian Life that is, the translation is he was released after ten years. The good news is that he learned from the experience. Learned how not to get caught that is. He has now been confirmed as the killer of a University student in 1990. Not to worry, he blew himself away in '94. Another fine example of Canadian justice at work. I keep saying this, to no avail. Once a person has shown that they are a murderous threat to society, we have a responsibility to his past and future victims to make our streets safe from that convict. Rehab, finding Jesus, etc. is all fine for their sole and all, but I don't see what difference that makes to us. Once a person commits such offences, our motivation for releasing them back on the streets seems somewhat strange if not criminally foolish. Our first responsibility is to the law- abiding citizens, that means when you murder someone for no good reason except your own profit, thrill, whatever, you go to jail for life- no parole. There's no parole for the victims, I don't see why there should be for the killers. As I said, I am happy that they find salvation or regret for their actions, that doesn't mean we should give them the chance to do it again!