Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Robertson Issues Fatwah
Pat Robertson has called on the U.S. to assassinate Venezuelan President Chavez. So this is the modern path of American Christianity. Now I don't know all there is to about American laws but in Canada this would considered criminal under our hate laws. Inciting hatred and the murder of your political opponents comes off as very un-Christian to me. It also lends a great deal of credibility to what Chavez has long been saying. The U.S. has a long dirty history in it's dealings with Central and South America. Let's hope that we don't end up listing Venezuela as another entry into that distinguished past.
Did you see the daily show's take on this? It was very funny!
By Aisha, at 10:03 p.m.
Actually, no I didn't. But I love that show and would have enjoyed it, I'm sure. Thanks Again for commenting!