Friday, August 12, 2005
Things Continue to Tighten for Muslims
Italy is preparing to expel it's radical Muslims. Britain has barred the return of a cleric. Expect a lot more of the same as fear of terrorism increases and personnel liberty for Muslims globally decreases in response. What everyone has to realize is that a police state for Muslims is a police state for all of us. Hardline Americans, for one, will use this to increase monitoring in general. This is the real threat of terrorism, not just the isolated bombs going off in far away places. The real threat for everyday people is the long term changes in the way governments, police, and security officials conduct their day-to-day affairs, not to mention the odd one going off a little closer as is happening more and more. This is why terrorism must be fought on the most fundamental levels. Start by teaching kids how to live with and tolerate other cultures. Eliminate the teaching of false histories, as in the U.S., or the teaching of racial or religious hatred, as in many places. The world is a richer and better place because of our differences. Every culture has things they can learn from every other. We can agree not to agree without killing each other. Our main goal today should be to save our planet and ourselves. The way things are going it's going to work itself out by the deaths of billions, whether due to pandemic, nature, or war. It's time for the saner heads to take charge and demand intelligence in our leaders.