Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Yet Another Ruling in Canada's favor, Yet Another Ruling Ignored by The U.S.
This time it's NAFTA that has ruled in Canada's favor. The results are the same. The U.S. is once again choosing to ignore the ruling. Just like the International courts ruling, just like previous NAFTA rulings. All to no avail. The U.S. has shown over and over again that it will disregard any judgment that doesn't go in their favor. That includes tribunals to which they have pledged to follow such rulings. Did I mention the International courts and NAFTA? It's quite amazing to think that George would be of the impression that anyone entering into negotiations would give them any credibility at all. Kind of makes you wonder why anyone would even bother. I can't imagine why Canada would even bother with the negotiation at all. Not to long in the distant future wood is going to become very valuable indeed. So I say, let the Americans do whatever they want, soon we will be able to sell our lumber at fair market prices anywhere. Of course, then the Yanks wouldn't benefit from the preferred status they now enjoy! In other words, we raise the price, just for them!