Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Blacks Eliminated from Amazing Race
I normally don't watch this program. I watched under pressure from my wife this evening. I was sorry to see this family go so soon in the race. In the end though, no matter what happens it was a great treat to have the chance to see this young family. They may have not won the million but they have something that many millionaires, not to mention the rest of us, don't. The father of these young kids showed patience, caring, and intelligence far beyond what most fathers have, including myself. No matter what happened he was supportive and constantly telling these boys what a great job they were doing and encouraging them. From what I saw, the guy is virtually an ideal father. What that family has together can never be given a monetary value, it's value is infinite. They were severely handicapped by having two kids so young when most of the teams are made up of adults, yet they performed with grace and a hell of a lot of class. We should all salute them!