Wednesday, September 07, 2005
The Bushs and Katrina
George is coming under quite a bit of fire over his handling of the disaster thus far. His mother certainly hasn't helped with her blatant admission of her total lack of empathy for those affected. It now seems to becoming a question of lack of regard for the Black-Americans as well as the poor!. The rest of the world is taking notice! So George has admitted that things didn't go the way they should have, in fact there's going to be an investigation, headed by non other than Bush!. Isn't that the same as saying " There has been allegations of incompetence on my part, I have launched an investigation into these accusations headed by myself"?
On the upside, the broken levee has been patched. On a lesser note, half the refineries are almost ready to be re-started. All in all, it's going to take a very long time to fix this one.
On the upside, the broken levee has been patched. On a lesser note, half the refineries are almost ready to be re-started. All in all, it's going to take a very long time to fix this one.
the bahrain article is really fascinating. Thanks for passing it on.
By Aisha, at 11:02 p.m.
I particularly liked the last line of the Bahrain article.." the Americans can learn many things from Katrina". Never has a more loaded statement been uttered after reading the piece.