Wednesday, September 14, 2005
New Orleans Couple Charged
They're charging them with negligent homicide. We don't know all the facts in this one but so far it seems a little suspect. From what I gather, the couple was charged as a result of their failure to move the residents of their nursing home. I can't help but note that a lot of people didn't leave and those who went to official evacuation sites also died. I also can't help but note the over forty deaths at a New Orleans hospital, are we to see charges in this case as well? What about the mayor, who didn't evacuate the stadium using busses, the Governor, who didn't call out the National guard earlier, or the President, who didn't feel it was needed for him to return from vacation until two days following the disaster? The same laws and rules should apply to all equally, that includes politicians and CEOs. So far, this one is looking mostly like some feeble attempt to distract the publics attention from the failures of their leaders. Think about it for one second, this couple would not benefit in any way from loosing their charges lives. They only get paid for living residents! There is also reports that during the crises their actions were heroic, unverified. It's too bad that none of the medias covering this case have seen fit to give us a more complete rundown on the alleged facts.