Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Condi Rice's Position Disappoints
Not like I really expected anything different. She calls it a trade dispute. She says that we need to go back to negotiations. I don't see what the point would be. The Americans have clearly shown that they will not live up to the agreements they have already made. Negotiations come before you sign an agreement, not after. The resolution process was placed within NAFTA. The U.S. has chosen to ignore the rules that they agreed to. What's to negotiate? Why should Canada have any confidence in the Americans living up to any new agreement when they haven't lived up to the ones they have already signed. So No Condi, we don't want to return to the table because there really is no point. This issue has seriously shaken Canadian confidence in the fair sharing of any agreement with the U.S. The Americans seem to want the agreement so long as it is only on their terms. When rulings go against them, they will simply ignore them. American credibility has been seriously damaged since Bush came to town. It doesn't look like that's going to change anytime soon!