Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Follow Up To Bennett
This article actually has some of the figures and it is actually just the opposite of what I would have thought. The figures I will refer to come from the Bureau of Justices Statistics for last year. Despite the fact that immigrants and people of color make up a disproportionate percentage of people living in poverty, white people were responsible for seventy percent of all arrests last year. Now here's the real kicker, white people make up only forty percent of those serving time in institutions. So to suggest that a black person is more likely to commit a crime is outright false, he would just be more likely to receive a jail sentence for it. Figures like this could not be possible without racism pure and simple. Where exactly in the justice system it lies is another question, I suspect it is pretty much everywhere for numbers like this to exist. The fact that so many people are not aware of this inequality in the justice system is a large part of the problem.