Sunday, October 30, 2005
He Must Have Wanted This
What other conclusion can a person come to. Perhaps the goal was to damage the efforts of peace loving Muslims all over the world. I'm talking about the vast majority of the worlds Muslims who live side by side with those of other cultures. They are valued members of their communities. The problem lies in those few who would commit horrific acts of evil against innocent people and blasphemously use God, Allah, as their justification. These few are further fueled by the irresponsible and frankly criminal statements of leaders like the one now in Iran. I think it's safe to say that God would weep over acts such as these. Bush may be an ass but he's no Great Satan! I imagine Satan, if their is a real one, would be rolling on the ground laughing and would do so even louder when these monsters blame their faith in Allah. The time has come for this thousands years old conflict between Jew, Christian, and Muslim, not to mention all the others, to stop. The sons of Abraham and Mohammed must stop killing each other, recognize that they are brothers and live in peace. Intolerance to the point where a person must go out and kill his neighbors just because they are different can no longer be accepted, anywhere. Those who commit such acts seem to have one primary goal, and that is to throw the world into a murderous chaos. Those in the Muslim community must take concrete action against members of their faith who are involved in such acts even though they may smithies with their reasons for doing so. I'm not saying some Muslims in some places don't have legitimate grievances against Israel or the U.S., they do. Cutting the heads off three teenage girls is not an acceptable form of protest.