Wednesday, October 19, 2005
It Shouldn't But it Will Just the Same
I would hope that the days of propaganda bullshit would be behind us, yet the U.S. administration continues to use this type of campaign to sway it's citizens, not to mention everyone else. The problem is the rest of the world has access to more objective media inputs negating the effects of the plan. Iraq was a clear example of this. Americans were convinced by this bumbling moron, Bush, that they were fighting the good fight in Iraq based on a huge campaign of misinformation. While this seemed to work just fine in the short run, in the U.S., the rest of the world saw it for what it was. The fact that it worked in the U.S. has caused a great many to seriously doubt the intelligence, or educational levels, of the American public. Which brings us back to softwood. The American Ambassador to Canada has stated that this little disagreement on Softwood should not damage the otherwise good relations between the two countries. While I agree that it should not, it will all the same. The U.S. admin. has shown that it has very little desire to follow their own agreements, if it does so desire, it is impotent in the face of U.S. special interests. This might not be the case if the admin. has shown the kind of integrity needed to run such a great nation. Sadly it has done anything but. Bush and cronies continue with the same type of tactics they have used all along. A couple of minutes of the Daily Show everyday should make this fairly clear. American credibility Globally has taken a lot of hits since WW2, but never more so than today. It's almost as if these guys think everyone else is an idiot who can't see things the way they are and will accept whatever publicity stunt George tries next. Hopefully, most of us have grown beyond that. Canada is actively seeking stronger trade ties with everyone else but the U.S. as a result. In this case Martin has very little choice. To not act on this would be political suicide for the Canadian P.M. Canadians have been watching this one very closely. Most feel that an agreement which is not honored is worthless, and what's more, further treaties are held in the same light. The old do as I say and not as I do thing will just not cut it anymore!