Friday, October 07, 2005
Martin Weighs in on Lumber
Paul Martin has weighed in on the American conduct with regards to the never-ending lumber dispute. Despite more rulings than can be counted in Canada's favor, Bush still refuses to refund the illegally collected duties levied against Canadian softwood lumber. Bush now says the rulings can not be applied retroactively. That might make sense if this was the first ruling in Canada's favor, alas it is the last in a long line of rulings that Bush et. al. have refused to accept and thus have completely ignored. NAFTA has proven to be not worth the paper it was written on and as such should be abandoned by the Canadians. Perhaps Mexico would be interested in signing an agreement with just us Canadians as opposed to the North American one we now have. NAFTA seems to translate to, the Americans will follow rulings in their favor but will disregard anything else. This does not for a valuable agreement make!