Saturday, October 08, 2005
The Media Strikes Again
Once again their has been an incident with a photographer has far crossed the line of acceptable behavior. I can only view this in a similar manner to surviving an attack of mosquitoes in Canada. Sometimes in the North they are so thick that they can make you insane to get away from them. I've seen many examples of similar conduct from these photographers. As I've already said, the time has come to put a stop to this, Princess Diana should have been enough. Even celebrities are entitled to reasonable safety and privacy. Laws exist to stop this already. If it is too difficult to prosecute under these laws, than new ones should be created!
Thanks for the comment StevieB. I still can't believe that this crap still goes on, especially when the celebrity in question is whith his/her kids. These guys are creating extremely unsafe conditions by their actions and must be stopped. The time to make clear statements along these lines is far overdue.